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Past Events: 2024

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12:00pm, Clark 701

Title: Using nonlinear optics to generate quantum states of light

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Andrew M. Rappe
Professor, University of Pennsylvania

3:30pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Experimental observation of an incommensurate order of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

12:00pm, Clark 701

Title: Transport in Ultracold Atom Quantum Simulators

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Title: Electron correlation and topology in crystalline rhombohedral Graphene

3:30pm, Clark , 701

Title: Building Topological Materials from Thermodynamic Topological

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Title: Large language models and physics education research

12:20pm, Clark Hall, 700

Jeff Thompson
Professor, Princeton University

12:00pm, Clark Hall, 701

Nan Xue
Dufresne Group

Title: Cutting-edge fracture: elastomers fail from the edge

3:30pm, Clark Hall, 701

Quantum Theory Seminar - Yasaman Bahri (Google Deepmind)

Friday, February 23rd, 2024 at 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Clark Hall, 701
Central Campus

Title: Theories of Learning in Deep Neural Networks