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Heavy d-electron quasiparticle interference and real-space electronic structure of Sr 3 Ru 2 O 7

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J. Lee
M.P. Allan
M.A. Wang
J. Farrell
S.A. Grigera
F. Baumberger
J.C. Davis
A.P. Mackenzie

The intriguing idea that strongly interacting electrons can generate spatially inhomogeneous electronic liquid-crystalline phases is over a decade old 1-5 , but these systems still represent an unexplored frontier of condensed-matter physics. One reason is that visualization of the many-body quantum states generated by the strong interactions, and of the resulting electronic phases, has not been achieved. Soft condensed-matter physics was transformed by microscopies that enabled imaging of real-space structures and patterns.

Nature Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Spectroscopic fingerprint of phase-incoherent superconductivity in the underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J. Lee
K. Fujita
A.R. Schmidt
C.K. Kim
H. Eisaki
S. Uchida
J.C. Davis

A possible explanation for the existence of the cuprate "pseudogap" state is that it is a d-wave superconductor without quantum phase rigidity. Transport and thermodynamic studies provide compelling evidence that supports this proposal, but few spectroscopic explorations of it have been made. One spectroscopic signature of d-wave superconductivity is the particle-hole symmetric "octet" of dispersive Bogoliubov quasiparticle interference modulations. Here we report on this octet's evolution from low temperatures to well into the underdoped pseudogap regime.

Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Evidence for a superglass state in solid 4He

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
B. Hunt
E. Pratt
V. Gadagkar
M. Yamashita
A.V. Balatsky
J.C. Davis

Although solid helium-4 ( 4He) may be a supersolid, it also exhibits many phenomena unexpected in that context. We studied relaxation dynamics in the resonance frequency f(T) and dissipation D(T) of a torsional oscillator containing solid 4He. With the appearance of the "supersolid" state, the relaxation times within f(T) and D(T) began to increase rapidly together. More importantly, the relaxation processes in both D(T) and a component of f(T) exhibited a complex synchronized ultraslow evolution toward equilibrium.

Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Bogoliubov angle and visualization of particle-hole mixture in superconductors

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
I. Grigorenko
K. Fujita
J. Lee
M. Wang
J.C. Davis
H. Eisaki
S. Uchida
A.V. Balatsky

Superconducting excitations-Bogoliubov quasiparticles-are the quantum mechanical mixture of negatively charged electron (-e) and positively charged hole (+e). Depending on the applied voltage bias in scanning tunneling microscope (STM) one can sample the particle and hole content of such a superconducting excitation. Recent STM experiments offer a unique insight into the inner workings of the superconducting state of superconductors. We propose a new observable quantity for STM studies that is the manifestation of the particle-hole dualism of the quasiparticles.

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Cuprate high-Tc superconductors

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K.M. Shen
J.C.S. Davis

In solid-state physics two different paradigms are typically applied. The first is a local picture, in which one visualizes the quantum states of electrons in atomic orbitals or at impurity atoms in real space (r-space). The second is the momentum or reciprocal space (k-space) picture, where electrons are viewed as de Broglie waves completely delocalized throughout the material.

Materials Today
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group
Kyle Shen Group

How Cooper pairs vanish approaching the Mott insulator in Bi 2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
Y. Kohsaka
C. Taylor
P. Wahl
A. Schmidt
J. Lee
K. Fujita
J.W. Alldredge
K. McElroy
J. Lee
H. Eisaki
S. Uchida
D.-H. Lee
J.C. Davis

The antiferromagnetic ground state of copper oxide Mott insulators is achieved by localizing an electron at each copper atom in real space (r-space). Removing a small fraction of these electrons (hole doping) transforms this system into a superconducting fluid of delocalized Cooper pairs in momentum space (k-space). During this transformation, two distinctive classes of electronic excitations appear.

Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Evolution of the electronic excitation spectrum with strongly diminishing hole density in superconducting Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O (8+δ)

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.W. Alldredge
J. Lee
K. McElroy
M. Wang
K. Fujita
Y. Kohsaka
C. Taylor
H. Eisaki
S. Uchida
P.J. Hirschfeld
J.C. Davis

Coulomb interactions between the carriers may provide the mechanism for enhanced unconventional superconductivity in the copper oxides. However, they simultaneously cause inelastic quasiparticle scattering that can destroy it. Understanding the evolution of this balance with doping is crucial because it is responsible for the rapidly diminishing critical temperature as the hole density p is reduced towards the Mott insulating state.

Nature Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Imaging the impact on cuprate superconductivity of varying the interatomic distances within individual crystal unit cells

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
J.A. Slezak
J. Lee
M. Wang
K. McElroy
K. Fujita
B.M. Andersen
P.J. Hirschfeld
H. Eisaki
S. Uchida
J.C. Davis

Many theoretical models of high-temperature superconductivity focus only on the doping dependence of the CuO2-plane electronic structure. However, such models are manifestly insufficient to explain the strong variations in superconducting critical temperature, Tc, among cuprates that have identical hole density but are crystallographically different outside of the CuO2 plane.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Imaging the effect of electron lattice interactions on high-Tc superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O 8+δ

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
K. Fujita
J. Lee
M. Wang
J.A. Slezak
J.W. Alldredge
H. Eisaki
S. Uchida
J.C. Davis

One of key challenges in high-Tc superconductivity research is to identify a predominant mechanism controlling superconductivity at atomic scale.

Conference Name
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group

Quasiparticle interference and superconducting gap in Ca 2-x Na x CuO 2 Cl 2

Cornell Affiliated Author(s)
T. Hanaguri
Y. Kohsaka
J.C. Davis
C. Lupien
I. Yamada
M. Azuma
M. Takano
K. Ohishi
M. Ono
H. Takagi

High-transition-temperature (high-Tc) superconductivity is ubiquitous in the cuprates containing CuO2 planes, but each cuprate has its own character. The study of the material dependence of the d-wave superconducting gap (SG) should provide important insights into the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity. However, because of the pseudogap phenomenon, it is often unclear whether the energy gaps observed by spectroscopic techniques really represent the SG. Here, we use scanning tunnelling spectroscopy to image nearly optimally doped Ca2xNaxCuO2Cl2(Na-CCOC) with Tc≤25-28K.

Nature Physics
Date Published
Group (Lab)
J.C. Seamus Davis Group