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Thow Cham

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Min Jerald
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Cham TMJ, Karimeddiny S, Dismukes AH, Roy X, Ralph DC, Luo YK. Anisotropic Gigahertz Antiferromagnetic Resonances of the Easy-Axis van der Waals Antiferromagnet CrSBr. American Chemical Society (ACS). 2022;22(16):6716-6723, .
Cham TMJ, Karimeddiny S, Gupta V, Mittelstaedt JA, Ralph DC. Separation of Artifacts from Spin‐Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements of Spin‐Orbit Torque for the Low‐Symmetry Van der Waals Semi‐Metal ZrTe 3. Wiley. 2022;5(2).
Gupta V, Cham TMJ, Stiehl GM, Bose A, Mittelstaedt JA, Kang K, et al. Manipulation of the van der Waals Magnet Cr2Ge2Te6 by Spin–Orbit Torques. American Chemical Society (ACS). 2020;20(10):7482-7488, .