Mueller Group Publications
- Vaibhav Sharma, Erich J. Mueller, 1D Z2 lattice gauge theory in periodic Gauss law sectors, arXiv:2406.19565 (NSF 2110250)
- Darren Pereira, Erich J. Mueller, Dynamics of spin helices in the diluted one-dimensional XX model, Phys. Rev. A 110, 023313 (2024) (NSF 2110250)
- Thomas G. Kiely, Erich J. Mueller, High temperature transport in the one dimensional mass-imbalanced Fermi-Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. A 109, 063318 (2024) (NSF 2110250)
- B. A. McCullian, V. Sharma, H. Y. Chen, J. C. Crossman, E. J. Mueller, G. D. Fuchs, Coherent Acoustic Control of Defect Orbital States in the Strong-Driving Limit, arXiv:2403.10989. (NSF 2110250)
- Dimitri Pimenov, Erich J. Mueller, Bose-enhanced relaxation of driven atom-molecule condensates, Phys. Rev. A 109, 043311 (2024). arXiv:2401.03026. (NSF 2110250)
- Eduardo O. Rizzatti, Erich J. Mueller, Resistivity of the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model at weak coupling, Phys. Rev. A 109, 053303 (2024). arXiv:2309.10782. (NSF 2110250)
- Thomas G. Kiely, Debanjan Chowdhury, Bandwidth-tuned Wigner-Mott Transition at nu=1/5: an Infinite Matrix Product State Study, arXiv:2305.13355. (NSF 2110250)
- Vaibhav Sharma, Chao-Ming Jian, Erich J Mueller, Subsystem symmetry, spin glass order, and criticality from random measurements in a 2D Bacon-Shor circuit, Phys. Rev. B 108, 024205 (2023). arXiv:2303.02187 (New Frontier).
- Y. Tian, D. Lotnyk, A. Eyal, K. Zhang, N. Zhelev, T.S. Abhilash, A. Chavez, E.N. Smith, M. Hindmarsh, J. Saunders, E. Mueller, and J.M. Parpia, Supercooling of the A phase of 3He,Nature Communications 10, 148 (2023). (NSF 2110250)
- Rakin N. Baten, Yefan Tian, Eric N. Smith, Erich Mueller, Jeevak M. Parpia, Observation of suppressed viscosity in the normal state of 3He due to superfluid fluctuations arXiv:2212.12520. (NSF 2110250)
- Darren Pereira, Erich J Mueller, Dynamics of Spin Helices in the 1D XX Model, Phys. Rev. A 106, 043306 (2022). arXiv:2110.05972. (NSF 2110250)
- Thomas G. Kiely, Erich J. Mueller, When do conservation laws improve the efficiency of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group? Phys. Rev. B 106, 235126 (2022). arXiv:2207.03465
- L. Q. Lai, Y. B. Yu, Erich J. Mueller, Resonant enhancement of particle emission from a parametrically driven condensate in a one-dimensional lattice, Phys. Rev. A 106, 033302 (2022). arXiv:2205.01900 (NSF 2110250)
- Patrick M. Harrington, Erich Mueller, Kater Murch, Engineered Dissipation for Quantum Information Science, Nature Reviews Physics 4, 660 (2022). arXiv:2202.05280. (NSF 2110250, New Frontier)
- Shovan Dutta, Anton Buyskikh, Andrew J. Daley, Erich J. Mueller, Density-Matrix Renormalization Group for Continuous Quantum Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 230401 (2022). arXiv:2108.05366 (NSF 2110250)
- Thomas G. Kiely, Erich J. Mueller, Superfluidity in the 1D Bose-Hubbard Model, Phys. Rev. B 105, 134502 (2022). arXiv:2202.00669 (NSF 2110250)
- Vaibhav Sharma and Erich J. Mueller, Rotating Bose gas dynamically entering the lowest Landau level, Phys. Rev. A 105, 023310 (2022). (NSF 2110250)
- Sayak Ghosh, Thomas G. Kiely, Arkady Shekhter, F. Jerzembeck, N. Kikugawa, Dmitry A. Sokolov, A. P. Mackenzie, B. J. Ramshaw, Strong Increase in Ultrasound Attenuation Below Tc in Sr2RuO4: Possible Evidence for Domains Phys. Rev. B 106, 024520 (2022) (NSF 2110250)
- Thomas G. Kiely, Erich J. Mueller, Transport in the two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model: Lessons from weak coupling, Phys. Rev. B 104, 165143 (2021) -- NSF 2110250
- Thomas G. Kiely, Erich J. Mueller, Anomalous Resistivity at Weak Coupling, ArXiv:2108.11428. -- NSF 2110250
- L. Q. Lai, Y. B. Yu, Erich J. Mueller, Emission of particles from a parametrically driven condensate in a one-dimensional lattice, Phys. Rev. A 104, 033308 (2021) -- NSF 2110250
- Akshay Sawhney, Erich J. Mueller, The influence of sublattice bias on superfluid to Mott insulator transitions, Phys. Rev. A 103, 063308 (2021) arXiv:1804.07746 -- NSF 1508300
- Dmytro Lotnyk, Anna Eyal, Nikolay Zhelev, Abhilash Sebastian, Yefan Tian, Aldo Chavez, Eric Smith, John Saunders, Erich Mueller and Jeevak Parpia, Path-Dependent Supercooling of the He3 Superfluid A-B Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett 126, 215301 (2021) -- arXiv:2012.14044 -- NSF PHY-1806357
- Vaibhav Sharma, Erich J Mueller, Driven-dissipative control of cold atoms in tilted optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 103, 043322 (2021) -- arXiv:2101.00547 -- NSF PHY-1806357
- Ipsita Mandal, Jia Yao, Erich J. Mueller, Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene, Phys. Rev. B 103, 125127 (2021) arXiv:2008.13752 -- NSF.
- -- NSF PHY- 1806357
- Kai Yen Jee, Erich J. Mueller, Drag in Bose-Fermi Mixtures, Phys. Rev. A 103, 033307 (2021) --arXiv:2008.04083 -- NSF PHY-1806357
- Kristina R. Colladay, Erich J. Mueller, Driven dissipative preparation of few-body Laughlin states of Rydberg polaritons in twisted cavities arXiv:2107.06346
- Sridhar Prabhu, Erich J. Mueller, Bath mediated decay of density waves in a disordered Bose lattice gas, arXiv:2104.12648.
- Vaibhav Sharma, Sayan Choudhury, Erich J. Mueller, Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Recondensation in Higher Bands Phys. Rev. A 101, 033609 (2020). arXiv:1911.0511 -- NSF PHY-1806357 and ARO-MURI W9111NF-14-1-0003.
- Junkai Dong, Erich Mueller, Exact Topological Flat Bands from Continuum Landau Levels Phys. Rev. A 101, 013629 (2020) arXiv:1910.08429 -- NSF PHY-1806357 and ARO-MURI W9111NF-14-1-0003.
- Long Ju, Lei Wang, Xiao Li, Seongphill Moon, Mike Ozerov, Zhengguang Lu, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Erich Mueller, Fan Zhang, Dmitry Smirnov, Farhan Rana and Paul L. McEuen, Unconventional valley-dependent optical selection rules and landau level mixing in bilayer graphene, Nature Communications 11, 2941 (2020)
- D. Lotnyk, A. Eyal, N. Zhelev, T. S. Abhilash, E. N. Smith, M. Terilli, J. Wilson, Erich J. Mueller, D. Einzel, J. Saunders, J. M. Parpia, Thermal transport of helium-3 in a strongly confining channel, arXiv:1910.08414, Nature Communications 11, 4843 (2020)
- Dmytro Lotnyk, Anna Eyal, Nikolay Zhelev, Abhilash Sebastian, Aldo Chavez, Eric Smith, John Saunders, Erich Mueller, Jeevak Parpia, Path-Dependent Supercooling of the 3He Superfluid A-B transition, arXiv:2012.14044 -->
- Daniel Longenecker and Erich J. Mueller, Collective Dynamics and Atom Loss in Bright Soliton Matter Waves, Phys. Rev. A 99, 053618 (2019). arXiv:1812.00840 MURI, NSF
- Bhuvanesh Sundar, Todd C. Rutkowski, Erich J. Mueller, Michael J. Lawler, Quantum dimer models emerging from large-spin ultracold bosons, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043623 (2019). arXiv:1702.05514 -- NSF
- Shovan Dutta, Erich J. Mueller, Coherent generation of photonic fractional quantum Hall states in a cavity and the search for anyonic quasiparticles, Phys. Rev. A 97, 033825 (2018) -- MURI, NSF
- Junjun Xu, Qiang Gu, Erich J. Mueller, Realizing the Haldane phase with bosons in optical lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 085301 (2018) -- NSF
- Kristina R. Colladay, Erich J. Mueller, Rewiring Stabilizer Codes, New Journal of Physics 20, 083030 (2018) -- arXiv:1707.09403. -- MURI, NSF
- Shovan Dutta, Erich J. Mueller, Protocol to engineer Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states in a cold Fermi gas, Phys. Rev. A 96, 023612 (2017) -- NSF
- Matthew D. Reichl, and Erich J. Mueller, Core filling and snaking instability of dark solitons in spin-imbalanced superfluid Fermi gases, Phys. Rev. A 95, 053637 (2017) -- MURI, NSF
- Erich J. Mueller, Pseudogaps in strongly interacting Fermi gases, eports on Progress in Physics, 80, 10 (2017) -- NSF
- F. Nur Ünal, Erich J. Mueller, Cooling Quantum Gases with Entropy Localization, New J. Phys. 19, 023045 (2017) -- NSF
- Shovan Dutta, Erich J. Mueller, Collective modes of a soliton train in a Fermi superfluid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 260402 (2017) -- MURI, NSF
- N. Zhelev, M. Reichl, T. S. Abhilash, E. N. Smith, K. X. Nguyen, E. J. Mueller and J. M. Parpia, Observation of a new superfluid phase for 3He embedded in nematically ordered aerogel, Nature Communications 7, 12975 (2016)
- F. Nur Ünal, Erich J. Mueller, M. O. Oktel, Non-equilibrium Fractional Hall Response After a Topological Quench, Phys. Rev. A 94, 053604 (2016) -- MURI
- Bhuvanesh Sundar, Erich J. Mueller, Lattice bosons with infinite range checkerboard interactions, Phys. Rev. A 94, 033631 (2016) -- NSF
- F. Nur Unal, Erich J. Mueller, Entropy Dynamics in Superlattices: Disorder as a Cooling Mechanism arXiv:1604.04277 -- NSF
- Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller, S. Das Sarma, Competing ground states of strongly correlated bosons in the Harper-Hofstadter-Mott model, Phys. Rev. A 93, 063610 (2016) -- NSF
- Matthew D. Reichl, Erich J. Mueller, Dynamics of pattern-loaded fermions in bichromatic optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 93, 031601(R) (2016). -- MURI
- Bhuvanesh Sundar, Erich J. Mueller, Proposal to directly observe the Kondo effect through enhanced photoinduced scattering of cold fermionic and bosonic atoms, Phys. Rev. A 93, 023635 (2016). -- MURI
- Yariv Yanay, Erich J. Mueller, Evolution of coherence during ramps across the Mott-insulator–superfluid phase boundary, Phys. Rev. A 93, 013622 (2016). -- MURI
- Shovan Dutta, Erich J. Mueller, Dimensional Crossover in a Spin-imbalanced Fermi gas, arXiv:1508.03352, Phys. Rev. A 92, 063639 (2015) -- NSF
- Sayan Choudhury, Erich J. Mueller, Stability of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a driven optical lattice: Crossover between weak and tight transverse confinement, Phys. Rev. A 92, 063639 (2015). -- MURI
- Y. Yanay, E. J. Mueller, Corrections to the continuous time semiclassical coherent state path integral, The European Physical Journal Special Topics April 2015, Volume 224, Issue 3, pp 591-596 -- NSF
- David Chen, Carolyn Meldgin, Philip Russ, Erich Mueller, Brian DeMarco, Quasimomentum Cooling and Relaxation in a Strongly Correlated Optical Lattice, arXiv:1503.07606 -- MURI
- Junjun Xu, Qiang Gu, Erich J. Mueller, Collisionless spin dynamics in a magnetic field gradient, Phys. Rev. A 91, 043613 (2015) -- MURI
- Matthew D. Reichl, Erich J. Mueller, Quasiparticle Dispersions and Lifetimes in the Normal State of the BCS-BEC Crossover, Phys. Rev. A 91, 043627 (2015) -- MURI
- Ran Wei, Erich J. Mueller, Anomalous charge pumping in a one-dimensional optical superlattice, Phys. Rev. A 92, 063639 (2015). arXiv:1502.04208 -- MURI
- Sayan Choudhury, Erich J. Mueller, Transverse collisional instabilities of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a driven one-dimensional lattice, Phys. Rev. A 91, 023624 (2015) -- MURI
- Shovan Dutta and Erich J. Mueller, Kinetics of Bose-Einstein condensation in a dimple potential, Phys. Rev. A 91, 013601 (2015) -- MURI
- Ran Wei and Erich J. Mueller, Theory of bosons in two-leg ladders with large magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. A 89, 063617 (2014) -- NSF
- Yariv Yanay, Erich J. Mueller, Heating from Continuous Number Density Measurements in Optical Lattices, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023611 (2014). -- MURI
- Sayan Choudhury, Erich J. Mueller, Stability of a Floquet Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 90, 013621 (2014). -- NSF, MURI
- Matthew D. Reichl, Erich J. Mueller, Floquet Edge States with Ultracold Atoms, Phys. Rev. A 89, 063628 (2014). -- NSF
- Junjun Xu, Qiang Gu, Erich J. Mueller, Route to observing topological edge modes in ultracold fermions, Phys. Rev. A 89, 013625 (2014). arXiv:1311.3892 . NSF PHY-1068165, DARPA OLE
- Cheng Chin and Erich Mueller, Viewpoint: Looking for Hofstadter's Butterfly in Cold Atoms, Physics 6, 118 (2013).
- Bhuvanesh Sundar Erich J. Mueller, Universal Quantum Computation With Majorana Fermion Edge Modes Through Microwave Spectroscopy Of Quasi-1D Cold Gases In Optical Lattices, arXiv:1309.7278. Phys. Rev. A 88, 063632 (2013). NSF PHY-1068165, DARPA OLE
- Matthew D. Reichl, Erich J. Mueller, Vortex Ring Dynamics in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates, Phys. Rev. A 88, 053626 (2013). arXiv:1309.7012. NSF PHY-1068165
- Shovan Dutta, Erich J. Mueller, Variational study of polarons and bipolarons in a 1D Bose lattice gas in both superfluid and Mott regimes, Phys. Rev. A 88, 053601 (2013) arXiv:1308.4876 NSF PHY-1068165
- Junjun Xu, Qiang Gu, Erich J. Mueller, Radio frequency spectrum of fermions near a narrow Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 88, 023604 (2013) [arXiv:1305.501], NSF PHY-1068165
- Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller, Dynamics of correlations in shallow optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 87, 063616 (2013), arXiv:1201.6674 DARPA OLE, NSF PHY-1066293
- Ran Wei, Erich J. Mueller, Magnetic field dependence of Raman coupling in Alkali atoms, Phys. Rev. A. 87, 042514 (2013) [ arXiv:1303.0061] DARPA OLE
- Yariv Yanay, Erich Mueller, Veit Elser, Magnetic polarons in two-component hard core bosons, Phys. Rev. A 87, 043622 (2013) [arXiv:1301.2614] DARPA OLE
- Sayan Choudhury, Erich J Mueller, Absence of the Twisted Superfluid State in a mean field model of bosons on a Honeycomb Lattice, Phys. Rev. A 87, 033621 (2013) [arXiv:1211.4863] NSF PHY-1068165
- Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller, Dynamics of correlations in a dilute Bose gas following an interaction quench, Phys. Rev. A, 87 053607 (2013) arXiv:1207.4509. NSF PHY-1068165, DARPA OLE
- Yariv Yanay, Erich J. Mueller, Saving the Coherent State Path Integral, arXiv:1212.4802. NSF PHY-1068165
- Erich J. Mueller, Viewpoint: Spin-Orbit Coupling Comes in From the Cold, Physics 5, 96 (2012).
- Yariv Yanay, Erich J Mueller, Superfluid Density of Weakly Interacting Bosons on a Lattice, arXiv:1209.2446. NSF PHY-1068165, DARPA OLE
- Ran Wei, Erich J. Mueller, Majorana fermions in one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases, Phys. Rev. A. 86, 063604 (2012) arXiv:1208.5420. NSF PHY-1068165, DARPA OLE
- Eliot Kapit, Paul Ginsparg, Erich Mueller, Non-Abelian Braiding of Lattice Bosons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 066802 (2012) (arXiv:1109.4561) NSF PHY-1068165, DARPA OLE
- Ran Wei, Erich J. Mueller, Pair density waves and vortices in an elongated two-component Fermi gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 245301 (2012) (arXiv:1203.5120) NSF PHY-1068165
- Stefan S. Natu, David C. McKay, Brian DeMarco, Erich J. Mueller, Evolution of condensate fraction during rapid lattice ramps, Phys. Rev. A 85, 061601 (2012) (arXiv:1201.3154) DARPA OLE
- Yariv Yanay, Erich Mueller, Dispersion and wavefunction symmetry in cold atoms experiencing artificial gauge fields, Phys. Rev. A 85, 013641 (2012) (arXiv:1111.0578) NSF PHY-1068165
- Erich J. Mueller, Viewpoint: Strong Staggered Flux Lattices for Cold Atoms, Physics 4, 107 (2011). NSF PHY-1068165
- John D. Reppy, Xiao Mi, Alexander Justin, Erich J. Mueller, Interpreting Torsional Oscillator Measurements: Effect of Shear Modulus and Supersolidity (arXiv:1112.2218) NSF PHY-1068165
- Xiao Mi, Erich Mueller, John D. Reppy, Study of Supersolidity and Shear Modulus Anomaly of 4He in a Triple Compound Oscillator (arXiv:1109.6818) NSF PHY-1068165
- Ran Wei, Erich Mueller, Vortex structures of a two-component BEC for large anisotropies, Phys. Rev. A 84, 063611 (2011) (arXiv:1110.2135) NSF PHY-1068165
- Eliot Kapit, Marginal Fermi Liquid from a Partially Nested Fermi Surface and Impurity Scattering in a Two Dimensional Metal (arXiv:1103.6179)
- Erich J. Mueller, Evolution of the Pseudogap in a polarized Fermi gas Phys. Rev. A 83, 053623 (2011) (arXiv:1012.0820) -- NSF PHY-0758104
- Stefan S. Natu and Erich J. Mueller, Pairing, Ferromagnetism, and Condensation of a normal spin-1 Bose gas Phys. Rev. A 84, 053625 (2011) (arXiv:1101.5639) -- NSF PHY-0758104
- Stefan S. Natu, Kaden R. A. Hazzard and Erich J. Mueller, Local versus global equilibration near the bosonic Mott-superfluid transition Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 125301 (2011) ( -- DARPA OLE
- Eliot Kapit and Erich J. Mueller, Optical Lattice Hamiltonians for Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics, Phys. Rev. A 83, 033625 (2011) ( -- NSF PHY-0758104, DARPA OLE
- Kaden R. A. Hazzard and Erich J. Mueller, Techniques to measure quantum criticality in cold atoms Phys. Rev. A 87, 013604 (2011) ( NSF PHY-0758104, DARPA OLE
- Yean-an Liao, Ann Sophie C. Rittner, Tobias Paprotta, Wenhui Li, Guthrie B. Partridge, Randall G. Hulet, Stefan K. Baur, Erich J. Mueller, Spin-Imbalance in a One-Dimensional Fermi Gas, Nature 467, 567 (2010) (arXiv:0912.0092) D
- Joern N. Kupferschmidt and Erich J. Mueller, Role of interactions in time-of-flight expansion of atomic clouds from optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 82, 023618 (2010) ( -- N
- Eliot Kapit and Erich J. Mueller, Parent Hamiltonian for the Fractional Quantum Hall States in an Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 215303 (2010) ( -- N
- Stefan S. Natu and Erich J. Mueller, Domain wall dynamics in a two-component Bose-Mott insulator, Physical Review A 82, 013612 (2010) -- D
- Kaden R. A. Hazzard and Erich J. Mueller, Candidate theories to explain the anomalous spectroscopic signatures of atomic H in molecular H2 crystals, Phys. Rev. B 82, 014303 (2010). (Editors Suggestion) -- N
- Eliot Kapit and Erich Mueller, Even-odd correlation functions on an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 82, 013644 (2010). -- D
- Stefan K. Baur and Erich J. Mueller, Two-body recombination in a quantum mechanical lattice gas: Entropy generation and probing of magnetic short-range magnetic correlations, Phys. Rev. A 82, 023626 (2010) ( -- D
- R. O. Umucalilar and Erich J. Mueller, Fractional Quantum Hall states in the vicinity of Mott plateaus Phys. Rev. A 81, 053628 (2010). -- N
- Stefan S. Natu and Erich J. Mueller, Spin waves in a spin-1 Bose gas, Phys. Rev. A 81, 053617 (2010). (arXiv:0910.3268) -- N
- Stefan K. Baur, John Shumway, Erich J. Mueller, FFLO vs Bose-Fermi mixture in polarized 1D Fermi gas on a Feshbach resonance: a 3-body study Phys. Rev. A 81, 033628 (2010). (arXiv:0902.4653) -- D
- Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Erich J. Mueller, Many-body physics in the radio frequency spectrum of lattice bosons Phys. Rev. A 81, 033404 (2010). (arXiv:0907.1332) -- N
- Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Erich J. Mueller, On-site correlations in optical lattices: band mixing to coupled quantum Hall puddles Phys. Rev. A 81, 033404 (2010)). (arXiv:0902.4707) -- N
- T. A. Corcovilos, S. K. Baur, J. M. Hitchcock, E. J. Mueller, R. G. Hulet, Detecting antiferromagnetism of atoms in an optical lattice via optical Bragg scattering. Phys. Rev. A 81, 013415 (2010) (arXiv:0910.2450) -D
- Ann Sophie C. Rittner, Wonsuk Choi, Erich J. Mueller, John D. Reppy, Absence of Pressure-Driven Supersolid Flow at Low Frequency. Phys. Rev. B 80, 224516 (2009). (arXiv:0904.2640)
- Daniel S. Goldbaum, Erich J. Mueller, Commensurability and hysteretic evolution of vortex configurations in rotating optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063625 (2009) (arXiv:0809.2078)
- Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller, Anomalous Spin segregation in a weakly interacting two-component Fermi gas, Phys. Rev. A 79, 051601(R) (2009) (arXiv:0901.4808)
- Stefan K. Baur, Sourish Basu, Theja N. De Silva, Erich J. Mueller, Theory of the Normal/Superfluid interface in population imbalanced Fermi gases, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063628 (2009) (arXiv:0901.2945)
- Daniel S. Goldbaum, Erich J. Mueller, Vortices near the Mott phase of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. A 79, 021602 (2009)(arXiv:0808.1548)
- Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller, Elastic theory of Normal-Superfluid Boundary in trapped Fermi Gases, arXiv:0802.2083
- Stefan K. Baur, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Erich J. Mueller, Stirring trapped atoms into fractional quantum Hall puddles, Phys. Rev. A 78, 061608 (2008) arXiv:0806.1517
- Sourish Basu and Erich J. Mueller, Stability of Bosonic atomic and molecular condensates near a Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 78, 053603 (2008) (cond-mat/0507460)
- Kaden R.A. Hazzard, Erich J. Mueller, Influence of Film-Mediated Interactions on the Microwave and Radio Frequency Spectrum of Spin-Polarized Hydrogen on Helium Films, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 165301 (2008) arXiv:0804.1543
- Erich J. Mueller, Generic features of the spectrum of trapped polarized fermions, Phys. Rev. A 78, 045601 (2008) arXiv:0711.0182.
- Michele Casula, D. M. Ceperley, Erich J. Mueller, Quantum Monte Carlo study of one-dimensional trapped fermions with attractive contact interactions, Phys. Rev. A 78, 033607 (2008). arXiv:0806.1747
- Sourish Basu, Erich J. Mueller, Final-state effects in the radio frequency spectrum of strongly interacting fermions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 060405 (2008), arXiv:0712.1007
- Dan Goldbaum, Erich Mueller, Vortex lattices of bosons in deep rotating lattices, Phys. Rev. A 77, 033629 (2008),Phys. Rev. A 78, 045601 (2008). (arXiv:0710.1090.)
- Meera M. Parish, Stefan K. Baur, Erich J. Mueller, David A. Huse, Quasi-one-dimensional polarized Fermi superfluids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 250403 (2007) (arXiv:0709.1120).
- Kaden R.A. Hazzard, Erich J. Mueller, Hyperfine spectra of trapped Bosons in optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 76, 063612 (2007) ( arXiv:0708.3657)
- Francesco Fumarola, Erich J. Mueller, Single particle spectrum of resonant population imbalanced Fermi gases, arXiv:0706.1205.
- Erich J. Mueller, Tin-Lun Ho, Masahito Ueda, Gordon Baym Fragmentation of Bose-Einstein Condensates, cond-mat/0605711, Phys. Rev. A 74, 033612 (2006)
- Theja N. De Silva, and Erich J. Mueller, Surface tension in population imbalanced unitary Fermi gases, cond-mat/0604638; Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 070402 (2006).
- Theja N. De Silva, and Erich J. Mueller, Density profiles of an imbalance trapped Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 73, 051602(R) (2006) [cond-mat/0601314]
- Theja N. De Silva, and Erich J. Mueller, Collective modes as a probe of the equation of state for partially polarized Fermi gases, cond-mat/0607491
- Theja N. De Silva, Erich J. Mueller, Collective oscillations of a Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 72, 063614 (2005) ( cond-mat/0508402)
- Erich J. Mueller, Wigner Crystallization in inhomogeneous one dimensional wires, Phys. Rev. B 72, 075322 (2005) (cond-mat/0410773)
- Erich J. Mueller, Density profile of a harmonically trapped ideal Fermi gas in arbitrary dimension, Phys .Rev. Lett.93,190404 (2004). (cond-mat/0405425)
- Erich J. Mueller, Artificial electromagnetism for neutral atoms: Escher staircase and Laughlin liquids, Phys. Rev. A, 70, 041603 (2004)
- Tin-Lun Ho, Erich J Mueller, High Temperature Expansion Applied to Fermions near Feshbach Resonance, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 160404 (2004); (cond-mat/0306187)
- Iacopo Carusotto and Erich J. Mueller, Imaging of spinor gases, J Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37, S115 (2004). (cond-mat/0310687)
- Erich J. Mueller, Spin textures in rotating spin-1 Bose gas, Phys. Rev. A 69, 033606 (2004) (cond-mat/0309511)
- Erich J. Mueller and Tin-Lun Ho, Renormalization Group Limit Cycles in Quantum Mechanical Problems, cond-mat/0403283
- Erich J. Mueller and Tin-Lun Ho, Stripe Formation in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Large Numbers of Vortices, Phys. Rev. A 67, 063602 (2003)
- Erich J. Mueller, Superfluidity and Swallowtails: Hysteretic Behavior in Bose Gases, Phys. Rev. A 66, 063603 (2002).
- Tin-Lun Ho and Erich J. Mueller, Rotating Spin 1 Bose Clusters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 050401 (2002).
- Erich J. Mueller and Tin-Lun Ho, Two component Bose-Einstein Condensates with Large Number of Vortices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 180403 (2002)
- Erich J. Mueller, Gordon Baym, and Markus Holzmann, Finite size scaling and the role of the thermodynamic ensemble in the transition temperature of a dilute Bose gas, J. Phys. B 34, 4561 (2001).
- Erich J. Mueller and Gordon Baym, Finite Temperature Collapse of a Bose Gas with Attractive Interactions, Phys. Rev. A 62, 053605 (2000).
- Erich J. Mueller, Paul M. Goldbart, and Yuli Lyanda-Geller, Multiply-connected Bose-Einstein condensed alkali gases: Current-carrying states and their decay, Phys. Rev. A 57, 1505 (1998)
- S. M. Sadeghi, S. R. Leffler, J. Meyer, and E. Mueller, Optical-Field-Dependent Electron-Electron Scattering Effects and Gain Generation in the Intersubband Transitions of n-Doped Quantum Wells, J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 10, 2489 (1998).